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What in The World Is Going On? (uncertain Times of Covid-19)

David S. Adams March 24, 2020


The best advice if you are getting crushed from loss of work and income is to somehow ride this through in the best way you can find for now. As far as a bankruptcy filing, the best time is usually after all the dust has settled, and your path forward is reasonably clear (except for the debt). At that point a chapter 7 can clear the slate and allow a start over if other options are not available. If any creditor gets particularly aggressive, and there is a garnishment risk, or risk of loss of car or home - then an emergency chapter 13 filing could be considered, until things get back to some state of normal.

Personal Injury

Kansas has extended the normal two year statute of limitations for accident claims coming due in the very near future. If you have a claim that is about to expire, you may actually be granted a little more time than you think, but immediate action is still needed.

Impact & Response to Coronavirus

While the numbers affected by this Covid 19 sickness are surely going to rise a lot in the next few weeks, there is also likely going to be a clearer path forward and less uncertainty in just another week or two - the fear of the unknown will be replaced with the challenge of the known. Human beings are amazing, and are going to be doing amazing things for one another. Our thoughts and prayers are with all struggling through this uncertain time.